Subject: Earth shattering GE2011 major casualty will be the pap
GE2011 will be historic. It will be earth shattering for Singaporeans. It
will usher in a new era for Singaporeans. The pap will be the major casualty
which will eventually lead to the demise if not in this election then the
next one. They can save themselves if they chuck aside the harsh and extreme
capitalist system of LKY. The pap must change. It must change drastically in
order to stay in power. The opposition may not snatch power in this election
but they will in the next unless the pap change drastically. The major
changes in GE2011 are:
1. The pap has decided to slightly level the playing field. That is why the
media gave the oppositions a fair amount of coverage. The pap was forced into this position after the major revolutions in the Middle East which literally
overthrow overnite dictatorial regime. Had the pap continue with their blatant
cheating ways, they may continue to dominate parliament but there will be blood on the streets of Singapore. Gen Y is brave. Gen Y is restless. Gen Y wants fairness. Gen Y wants accountability. Gen Y wants a better life for all.
2. The much improve Oppositions. Not only are the oppositions much bigger,
there are now some really quality people within the opposition ranks. There
are enough talented opposition candidates to form a government to run
3. pap resources stretched to the limit. With 82 of the 87 seats contested
the pap machineries have never been tested like this time. So mistakes were
all over the places. The pap campaign started with a disaster and ended with
a bigger disaster.
4. Singaporeans have lost their fear for LKY and his pap. This fear factor
is real and helps to maintain the pap in power for so long.
5. The social networks like FB are major tools for change and revolution.
Its' impact on GE2011 will be huge.
6. The election of President Obama on a simple message of Change has
inspired many in Singapore.
The net result is the pap will lose big. All the political pundits in
Singapore will be wrong. It will shock the pap rank and file. Even though
the pap top dogs have resigned to some losses, they too will be shocked by
the extent of the damage to the pap.I will reveal my assessment of the full
extent of the damage to the pap this evening towards the close of polling.
The relationship between Singaporeans and the pap will never be the same
again. The pap has not only failed to deliver their end of the bargain, they
ended up punishing Singoreans for putting so much trust in the pap. For that
Singaporeans are extracting a very heavy price from the pap. This is long
PAP banking on track record
THE themes of this general election began emerging on Day 1 of the campaign, as the first rally speeches rang out in five housing estates across the island.
Thousands turned up on Thursday night to listen to what the contending parties had to offer.
The first rallies by the Workers' Party (WP) and the People's Action Party (PAP) took place just 1.5km apart, at fields in Hougang SMC and Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, respectively.
Their messages, however, could not have been further apart.
The ruling party sought to focus voters' attention on the tangible and the immediate namely, the concrete improvements that its government and its candidates have made to people's daily lives, at both the national and local levels.
On the cost of living, which has emerged as a top concern among voters, the PAP's key message is that its “Grow and Share” package of rebates, growth dividends and top-ups, paid out directly to individual Singaporeans, is the best way to help all groups, especially the poor and the elderly.
Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean made the point in his rally speech in Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong did so in his party political broadcast.
Lee said: “We are dealing with immediate issues like the cost of living. Food and oil prices are rising around the world, affecting Singaporeans' concerns. The government shares your concerns and is helping you to cope in direct, tangible ways.”
Most lower-income families have each received between S$3,000 (RM7,200) and S$4,000 (RM9,600) this year to help them cope with cost of living increases, both PAP leaders said.
The candidates of Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC highlighted local improvements in the wards they represent parks, playgrounds, childcare centres, senior citizens' corners, transport links and covered walkways.
That has also been the message of other PAP GRC teams in their GRC manifestos, and during their walkabouts and press conferences.
In their rally speeches, PAP candidates Michael Palmer, Zainal Sapari and Gan Thiam Poh also attacked their opposition challengers for their lack of plans to improve voters' lives.
Just down the road, the speeches at the WP rally, at a field next to Hougang MRT station, sought to shift the focus of this election to a far less tangible ideal the First-World Parliament that the party has made its election slogan.
Its leaders exhorted Singaporeans to vote more opposition members into Parliament, especially “more hammers”, the party's symbol.
WP chief Low Thia Khiang said Singapore needs a stronger opposition force in Parliament to be a co-driver and to ensure the man behind the wheel namely the ruling party stays alert. - The Straits Times / Asia News Network
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