Slapping (below) and Dumping on bed (above)

From: Masturbating Myself
Subject: Nightingale nursing home - a reason for going to JB when you grow old
by Evelyn Lam Li Ting
SINGAPORE - The Nightingale nursing home along Braddell Road has been
stopped from admitting new patients, after staff were found to have
mistreated a resident there.
The incident came to light after MediaCorp alerted the Health Ministry
to a video - taken with a hidden camera at the patient's bedside -
which a relative of the resident had sent.
The video showed an elderly woman sitting next to the bed without any
clothes, while the ceiling fan was going at full blast.
After a while, a worker lifted the patient and threw her onto the bed.
They even slapped the woman after she moaned in pain.
The woman has been a resident of the home for the past four years.
The nursing home, which is privately run, has disciplined the staff
member involved, and put in place additional measures such as getting
senior staff to visit the wards and check staff conduct, and holding
regular meetings with patients and their family members.
The suspension, which MediaCorp learnt about on Wednesday, has been in
effect since April 12.
In a reply to MediaCorp, the Health Ministry said: "There were
significant lapses in the care standards provided to the patient in
question. This should not have happened. There should have been
tighter supervision of staff rendering care to vulnerable patients.
Patient's dignity and respect must be upheld at all times."
A member of the patient's family told MediaCorp: "Of course we are
unhappy with the incident. We sent her there for the nurses to take
care of her, we're disappointed with what happened. We hope by
bringing this matter up, it will help to improve things at the home."
The family has since moved the woman to another nursing home.
The Health Ministry said it will closely monitor the nursing home to
ensure that all additional measures imposed are implemented properly.
It will subsequently ascertain if the suspension imposed on the home
should be reviewed or if further sanctions should be imposed. "Our
inspectors regularly check that all nursing homes are properly
maintained, keep their patient records in order and institute
effective infection control measures," said the ministry.
Nursing home operators are also required to maintain care standards on
medication administration, fall prevention and housekeeping.
Those that do not meet the required standards or which require closer
monitoring for any other reason will be subject to more regular
audits. The ministry will also guide them on how to improve their
Two nursing aides from Nightingale Nursing Home along Braddell Road was caught on a spy camera abusing a resident, sparking a massive outroar among Singaporeans.
The video clip was taken by a hidden camera put on a patient’s bedside by his son who suspected that the staff were abusing her mother.
It showed two nursing aides lifting the patient up and throwing her onto a bed. As the elderly woman groaned in pain, one of them was shown slapping her on her mouth:
The showing incident came to light after the Ministry of Health was alerted to the video. It has since suspended Nightingale Nursing Home from accepting new patients.
According to a reader who had a relative staying at the home, most of its staff are from the Philipines and Myanmar.
source: TRE
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ReplyDeleteHi, that is why it is very necessary to have CCTVs in nursing homes to prevent disputes. if the staff is truly at fault, dismiss him/her.