From: Masturbating Myself
Subject: Re: Kong Hee is bullshitting all the time
On Mar 29, 10:36 pm, "truth" wrote:
> Why are Singaporeans so stupid to follow this idiot Kong
> Hee. He is bullshitting all the time.
> He is operating a scam. He collects your money ('donations")
> he convince u to give more so that he can invest more in business
> and properties.
> Who benefit ?
> He and those who are close to him.
> These investments are controlled by him. All the benefits go
> to him and his cronies.
> He is abusing the name of GOD and Jesus to build his own
> empire.
> Stop being an idiot and stop going to his church. It is a huge
> scam. A deception to cheat u of your money in the name of
> God and donations. He is selling u an illusion that if u give to
> "God" u will get bigger return. He dare not tell u that u r
> actually giving the money to him.
Come on, which church, temple or mosque is not a scam?
God is just a man-made joke, and those holy books are nothing more
than comics of the medieval age.
Anybody seen God? nope. Anything in those comic books ever came true? nope.
From this comic books written 1000-2000 years ago, they only talk
about life then. You will never read about modem, internet, iphone, blackhole,
dinosaurs, etc. Their "God" knows nothing about what is going to happen or what has
happened. As dumb as any normal human being.
If there is a God that created everything, we should all be good guys
that can never die. But nope, they are bullshits.
No God is going to save you, if you stand in the middle of a tsunami,
or the earth quake under you, or if the barbaric Mongols or Japs is going to slaughter you.
These pastors, priests, cheats and swindlers, know these facts very
well, so they just collect their riches from the millions of idiots who
wants to pay them. ha ha.
yansimon52 wrote:
Halo Truth....CHC give 'guarantee card' that, if they die they go
straight to heaven.......?
Your church got give out guarantee card to you or not?
He (Kong Hea) got followers like PBM Jack Neo....so don't play play
with him ok?
Frankie Lee wrote:
***If u want to make false accusation,and slander against Kong
Hee,please don't use old methods,known and used umpteen times by
crooks and small people.
At least establish yourself as someone decent,sane and logical in your
discussion,and stop things like licking ang moh ass,or Chee Soon
JUan's ass,...at least you may sound less vulgar,and sane.
You started off here by hating Christians,and you hate Tang LIang
Hong's daughter,well she is a Christian,or are you implying she lick
Ang Moh's ass?Is Chee Soon JUan licking Ang Moh's ass?Chee is a
You enjoy slandering and making false accusation against Chee Soon
Juan,and then now Chiam See Tong.Tell us whom you support clearly,and
who you hope to slander clearly,rather than mess it all up.
More videos of Kong Hee's bullshits - A Man is glorified here, not God.
Why is City Harvest Church, CHC founded by Senior Pastor Kong Hee questioned by the authorities?
ReplyDeleteIt might be Senior Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC is preaching against under Grace as cheap which is contrary to the Bible.
Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC has brought heavy baseless judgements upon others condemning them as Cheap Grace Preachers.
Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC preaches that there needs to be a balance to be under Law as well as under Grace. Now Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC should know that the strength of sin is the Law and not Grace which Kong Hee judges as cheap.
City Harvest Church, CHC is under the mixture of Law and Grace preached by Pastor Kong Hee who judges and attacks Grace preachers as cheap. Kong Hee’s pride of openly judging and attacking against the preaching of the True Gospel of Pure Grace might have resulted in City Harvest Church’s, CHC own predicaments.
Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC who judges openly and rejects Grace as being cheap might have led City Harvest Church, CHC to have fallen away from Grace.
The Bible says, “You who are trying to be justified by Law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from Grace.” Galatians 5:4
A piece of Gracious advice to City Harvest Church, CHC that they need the True Gospel of the Radical Grace of God in Christ Jesus to pick themselves up and move in their walk with their Lord Jesus Christ again. True Grace is no longer cheap to City Harvest Church, CHC now as well as before. Pure Grace will swallow up all of City Harvest Church’s, CHC’s sins first and then empower City Harvest Church, CHC to go and sin no more.
The Bible says,”Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.” Roman 8:33
The Bible also says, “For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:17
Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC, please repent and don’t condemn others using the names of Cheap Grace Preachers for Jesus’ sake. Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC please don’t judge others first and you shall not be judged as well. Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore NOW no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus…”
Matthew 7:1
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.” …
:: City Harvest Church ::
About Kong Hee Kong Hee’s Profile Kong Hee’s Biography Itinerary … 2007. Jack Neo. Film Director. Visit to City Harvest Church. 6 April 2007 ” Back to top …
http://www.chc.org.sg/eng/media/ media_vip_visits_2000-2007.php – 69k – Cached
Why was the photograph of Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC taken with Film Director Jack Neo on 6 April 2007 removed from the above link in City Harvest Church’s, CHC’s website?
It could be City Harvest Church does not recognize Jack Neo anymore than in 6 April 2007.
Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC might rather distance himself from the now Jack Neo probably to maintain his self-righteous image of being a modern day Pharisee.
Jack Neo should consider leaving Kong Hee’s City Harvest Church for another Mega Church which warmly welcomes Jack Neo with the unconditional Agape Love of God in Christ Jesus.
Why is City Harvest Church, CHC founded by Senior Pastor Kong Hee questioned by the authorities?
ReplyDeleteIt might be Senior Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC is preaching against under Grace as cheap which is contrary to the Bible.
Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC has brought heavy baseless judgements upon others condemning them as Cheap Grace Preachers.
Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC preaches that there needs to be a balance to be under Law as well as under Grace. Now Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC should know that the strength of sin is the Law and not Grace which Kong Hee judges as cheap.
City Harvest Church, CHC is under the mixture of Law and Grace preached by Pastor Kong Hee who judges and attacks Grace preachers as cheap. Kong Hee’s pride of openly judging and attacking against the preaching of the True Gospel of Pure Grace might have resulted in City Harvest Church’s, CHC own predicaments.
Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC who judges openly and rejects Grace as being cheap might have led City Harvest Church, CHC to have fallen away from Grace.
The Bible says, “You who are trying to be justified by Law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from Grace.” Galatians 5:4
A piece of Gracious advice to City Harvest Church, CHC that they need the True Gospel of the Radical Grace of God in Christ Jesus to pick themselves up and move in their walk with their Lord Jesus Christ again. True Grace is no longer cheap to City Harvest Church, CHC now as well as before. Pure Grace will swallow up all of City Harvest Church’s, CHC’s sins first and then empower City Harvest Church, CHC to go and sin no more.
The Bible says,”Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.” Roman 8:33
The Bible also says, “For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:17
Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC, please repent and don’t condemn others using the names of Cheap Grace Preachers for Jesus’ sake. Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC please don’t judge others first and you shall not be judged as well. Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore NOW no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus…”
Matthew 7:1
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.” …
:: City Harvest Church ::
About Kong Hee Kong Hee’s Profile Kong Hee’s Biography Itinerary … 2007. Jack Neo. Film Director. Visit to City Harvest Church. 6 April 2007 ” Back to top …
http://www.chc.org.sg/eng/media/ media_vip_visits_2000-2007.php – 69k – Cached
Why was the photograph of Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC taken with Film Director Jack Neo on 6 April 2007 removed from the above link in City Harvest Church’s, CHC’s website?
It could be City Harvest Church does not recognize Jack Neo anymore than in 6 April 2007.
Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, CHC might rather distance himself from the now Jack Neo probably to maintain his self-righteous image of being a modern day Pharisee.
Jack Neo should consider leaving Kong Hee’s City Harvest Church for another Mega Church which warmly welcomes Jack Neo with the unconditional Agape Love of God in Christ Jesus.
kong eat alot of money from us...
ReplyDeletei am agress of what masturbating Myself saying
ReplyDeleteused your head and think
in time of trouble
you need money
do you think kong will help you
the answer is "no"
all the money gone to pasotr kong bank
as he one month can earn up to $5000000k
even now every church and temple or mosque is cheating our hard earn money....
one day pastor kong and pastor sun die,
ReplyDeletehe leave $9999,999999 of money to two of the children
and pastor sun and pastor kong ,die
sure cannot go to heaven.......?
as both of them is scam of our hard earn money
tat why nowaday i not want go to church
it waste of my time and money
i also hate and dislike all the cell group member and chc friend
ReplyDeleteall of them is unreal to you
as all of them is acting infront of you and
all of them is acting pure and holy
last month,
my water&electrical cut off soon,
i write a email to pastor kong
for help to pay my bills
and pastor kong asked me to work and pay myself
see what type off ass pastor is it
only want our money
i even asked my chc church friend for help
i asked for lent me $300
for bills
all my chc church is saying jesus will help me
untill now my water&electriacal bills cut off
thank chc chruch and chc church memeber not helping me let me sufferning alot.....
pastor kong loved to brain-washed you mind by using holy bible ...
ReplyDeletepoor singaporeans every sat and sunday
brainwashed by kong...
CHC give 'guarantee card' ?
ReplyDeletechc loved to give word that is useless..
pastor kong only know to talk cock
he is saying"give will be back to us..?
as i have been giving more than 5 years and nothing is giving me back
since i want to chc
bad thing happend to me
my dad just pass aways last years
and i jobless last week..
my gf break off with me bcos i keep want to chc church...
nothing last forever....
chc is saying a shit to you man...
there is not 'guarantee card' go to heaven.......?PBM Jack Neo
also poor things so many scandal in one time
shame on jack neo and kong also..
Frankie Lee can you mind you own business
ReplyDeleteFrankie Lee shout off and get lost...
Frankie Lee will not making the false accusation,and slander against Kong
me and masterbad myself is telling the true
as the true set me and master bad free.
and the true is always win
Frankie Lee you stop acting pure and holy
god will punish Frankie Lee for acting pure and holy
Frankie Lee just be yourself man..
poor thing, Frankie Lee kana brain wash by pastor kong.....
Frankie Lee you never feel how is poor ppl like us
we suffer alot....
bloody losers please stop talking cock. If you got no money blame yourself. Not blame God or govt or pastor or church or father mother. Take a look at yourself in the mirror b4 you comment. What Pastor Kong have done for the people is beyond what you can do in 10 life time.
ReplyDelete^ lol - really? yea the amount of money he cheated out of people is something none of us could ever do in a lifetime LOL
Deletewat a scam....cheat ppl' money for his own sake....no wonder can live so lavish life....stupid pastor...but the follower more stupid la....i oso wanna be pastor...just talk nice nice like snakeoil seller sure huat liao....give promises that cant be proven, cant be questioned by using god's name....ppl all gone mad and scared liao....all lose hope in reality so hope can find express way to "heaven" hahaha...wat the biggest scam of the history of human life..! :D:D gosh...david cooperfield, blaine, criss angels can do a better job than that :D:D
ReplyDeletei am not talking cock
ReplyDeletepastor kong scam so many ppl money
keep brain wash you pussy ass
and all singaporeans girl pussy loved to brainwashed by pastor kong that why nowwaday pastor kong earn alot of money.........
pastor kong will keep cheat all singapore girl money
i am pity all of singapore girl
if you asked pqastor kong help you
sure pastor tan and pastor kong will say that he will pray for you....
try to asked for money sure two mother fucker ass hole will say go find jobs
see what type of singapore pastor
very very selfish pastor kong
that way i am hate to go church
all chruch girl is acting pure and holy
every sat go church and every monday to friday go sells their pussy online...
believe or not it out to you man....
i loves to cheat all singaporeans money bcos all singapore is easy money......
ReplyDeletethat way i buy many new home new car and keep on saying jesus help you all of them is bullshit man...
i would like to cheat more singaporeans money
so that i able to feed my 2 children and my wife also is a cheater that cheat other country ppl money
Losers. Go get a life
ReplyDeleteThe truth will be reveal soon. Lets see whether he(kong hee) will be guilty or not.
ReplyDeletekong hee will get guilty, jesus will punish pasotr kong is full of bullshits and More craps
ReplyDeleteevery sat and sunday loved to brainwash singaporeans mind
i feel very pity ppl all the time been wash by kong shit word...
Pls pls pls... give everyone a break... surely the truth will be out soon...or soonest, amen. For God's sake,... let's pray for our nation, our world well being instead... Yes, with such floodings, oil spills, ...etc etc... let's pray for faith, peace, joys, hope and most of all, blessings...to everyone and every living things on earth, amen...
ReplyDeleteIn fact, am a failure of being a husband, a father, and a son...yet, am still willing and doing my part to society... Pls Donate Blood...okay....cheers, amen...
It's just sad looking at Christianity today, really crisis of really wise sample. Kong Hee Starting off just OK, ended up a scam. Imagine thousands of people 'eating' his non sense week in week out. There is only one man in Asia that speaks and do accordingly, Rev. Stephen Tong. This is what Christianity today needs. Though seems orthodox, but he is truthful with what he preaches about. Being a Christian is not about prosperity and success in life. Look at Jesus himself, HE himself was crucified. Look at Paul, he was beheaded. Peter was crucified upsidedown. Where is the miracle for these holy men?
ReplyDeletewe don't see other temple mosques and churches wanting so much funds for worship, the other religions and humble and do not complain about needing more space for worship and the need to raise funds and make profits, etc...places of worship should be humble and not based on raising funds, that is where credibility comes in...when money comes into the picture for religious groups there will be questions of accountability and so on esp. they fall under non-profit org.
ReplyDeletePeople forget the church scandals that rocked USA in the 1980's when Tammy Faye Baker and pastor husband who were TV evangelists raised crazy amounts of cash over nation-wide TV and they scammed the public and US govt. by misappropriating funds, this is very similar...kudos to spore govt for stepping in!
pastor kong should jail forever....
ReplyDelete"Pastor" Kong Hee is typical of the fraud ministers that Jesus said would spring forth everywhere. Kong Hee fucked around to defraud City Harvest Church in order to fund the musical career of that shit wife of his, who is no better than him. They're both frauds & deserve to sit, masturbating in prison. "Pastor" Kong Hee has a clarinet up his arse while his wife has a tuba in her cunt & a banjo up her arse !
ReplyDeleteWith Kong Hee in charge, City Harvest Church is all fucked up. How can a "blind" pastor lead the blind, to begin with ? Kong Hee is 100% fraud and is NO pastor. A wolf in sheep's clothing. People go to church to worship the Almighty. Not have some fucked up freak pastor run the show. Kong Hee & Sun Ho are the Blasted Bastards of City Harvest ! And people are that stupid to listen to those fools.