The rumor that Chan Chun Sing is a distant relative of Lee Kuan Yew appears to be untrue based on this newsclipping from 1988.

Newspapers - Thanks, Mum
Thanks, Mum Chan Chun Sing, 19, one of four top scorers from Raffles Junior College, who had six distinctions, a distinction for the Mathematics S-Paper and a merit for the Economics S-Paper: "My mother is a machine-operator. I do not stay with my father became my parents are divorced."
If we do not ask question, and live in fear all the time, we will never find out the truth.
Chan seen here with members of the family at Mrs Lee's funeral...

Zanzibar wrote: May 21, 10:31 am
On May 20, 10:21 pm, adam <> wrote:
> Chan Chun Sing is the bloody nephew of the chief crook Lee Kuan Yew.
> That's why Chan Chun Sing was placed in Tanjong Pagar GRC to get
> back-door entry into 2011 parliament.
> The thing is the crooked Lee family hid the blood ties and hope the
> daft Singaporeans will never know about another blatant case of
> nepotism.
> But the Lee bastards forgot that the internet will expose all their
> shit very fast. The Lee bastards have nowhere to hide now. Thank God
> for the internet.
Saw that picture of him standing behind the Pm family which seemed to
show clearly that he was related to the PM by blood as the seats there
were for them of close family of the Lees.
Seriously, as Chan chun sing is minister; he is of public interest
now, and thus the Pm should be honest to explain it to the public
about his and family relationship with him .
Given that Chan chun sing's direct entry to appointments as minster
with only a acting minister post temporay to camouflage him to his
post, there should be explaination of his relationshions with the PM
on what interest he has with Chan and his family
And given that he was a direct backdoor entry candidate to get to the
public money of 2 million dollar minsterial pay per year job with
potential of 9 months bonus, the PM should explain his relationship to
the people on how his family was related with him..
And so, if Pm is honest and transparent and is true to himself to the
people of Singapore, he should come forward to explain publicly as to
who he is.
THe Pm should explain who is he related to him or family blood, and
why this man was chosen than of others equally qualified others
available in,the inside and outside of the pulbic sector and any
Singaporeans, etc
Is Major General Ki Chew (Chan Chun Sing) related to Lee Kuan Yew?
Over the Vesak Day holidays, an intriguing picture of MG Ki Chew has emerged ( ). At the recent funeral of Mrs Lee, he was seen standing at a place normally reserved for close family members (cousins, uncles, nephews etc).
Scroll down to 1/3 of the page and you will see Chan Chun Sing among the
close family of Lee Kuan Yew mourning behind the coffin of Mrs. Lee Kuan
So who exactly is MG Ki Chew? Could he be the next Prime Minister of Singapore?
Shortly after I published this posting, the Cabinet line up was released. MG Ki Chew is off to a flying start. He is the new Acting Minister for MCYS. In getting this position, he bypassed at least 2 PAP hopefuls who were eyeing the seat.
Zanzibar, you have done a great job! Well Done. 5 Stars to you. Thanks.
ReplyDeletehe was a mg general then. he could be in charge of security, like the other guy who was in tie (with the lanyard) obviously was.
ReplyDeletealthough i dun particularly like kee chiu as well, but this is way over. get a grip! don't be the illogical opposition that sees fault in every single thing
Yo, what do u have to back up your statement.
ReplyDeleteI am worried that should he be the next Prime Minister of Singapore, then Singapore will be ruled by another Stalin or Hitler under iron fisted martial law.
ReplyDeleteYour title itself is very unsure..
ReplyDeleteChan Chun Sing - Nephew of Lee Kuan Yew?
you definitely have nothing to back up your story.
Eventually, and I hope not, this kee chiu general to a full minister will exonerate the whole Leegime's crimes and wrongdoings. Lets us hope that the opposition parties to do their part.
ReplyDeleteExcellent work! Zanzibar.
No need back up story. Its all written on the wall. Go figure yourself. Hahahaha!
ReplyDeleteHe has got this vengeanceful and bloodthirsty look about him.
ReplyDeleteCheh!!! He's part of the Security Team loh! Those involve all knew that. Bo Liao!
ReplyDeleteHe was the Prime Ministers' ADC(Aide de camp) la....
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Lee's Incorporated.... heemmm...Singapore.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the situation is getting more depressing. We are doomed!
ReplyDeleteNo depressing or doomed!
ReplyDeleteAs a matter of fact, more and more laundry of the famiLee surfacing! Thanks to the powerful internet!
Hoot arh!
The internet is tearing them down to pieces. No need guns,bombs or rockets. They are facing imminent defeat. Their foundation is shaking. Don't you now feel sorry for them?
ReplyDeleteLast heard from a reliable source that Lee Kuan Yew is suffering from a sickness called "Internet". Lets us pray hard he survives to read all this!
ReplyDeleteu sibei boliao. go read his background before talking nonsense..
ReplyDeleteThe fact remains if he is related, the PM must clear state this ...... if he doesn't, it means there is something to hide and if it is exposed to be so subsequently there will be an even bigger backlash come GE2016
ReplyDeleteDear blogger, I think u watch too hk drama lah. But i love ur imagination. u should go help Mediacorp w their scriptwriting. Dun waste ur talent with hard fact checking, ethical, neutral, unbiased authentic journalism.
ReplyDeleteMr.Zanzibar, please provide us some concrete evidence to support your blog regarding this pain in the arse, otherwise this hyothesis cannot come to a conclusion.
ReplyDeleteMr. Zanzibar, your facts are all there and pointing to the right direction - that kee chiu and assloong are indeed cousins.
ReplyDeleteKee Chiu!!
Even when we apply for a position in any company... not necessary mnc... we need to declare if we are related to any existing worker of that company... u mean he whites got privileged to hid things from the ppl... who r supposed to be their employer???
ReplyDeleteHis profile doesn't seem to suggest he's related.
ReplyDeleteFucking idiots... We have been prospering over the last 50 yrs compared to our neighbours. Whats wrong if it is in the Lee family.. If we don't have him, your wife could be a maid in Taiwan and your could be a construction worker in dubai earning $200 per month. Ungrateful un-contended brats
ReplyDeleteIf you feel that these idiots or brats as you call them are making wrong assumptions or making wrong or hurtful comments in this blog,then I suggest you report them to the nearest police station, or better still to your I.S..D and have them arrested and thrown into their dungeons to rot to death.
ReplyDeleteChan Chun Sing comes from a modest background. Those of you who are into conspiracy theories, plse do some research before you shoot off the hip. The elections are over and the people have decided, we should now close ranks and move forward for the sake of the country. The early indications are that the government is making efforts to better engage the people, I think we should see adjustments and refinements to policies in the near future. We should give them some time. Those of you who oppose for the sake of opposing, if you are so unhappy here perhaps you want to consider migrating to another country where you will hopefully be happier....
ReplyDeleteso what if he Lee nephew.. dun u think we have a better life compare to other south east Asia country... we must be thankful and dun complain so much
ReplyDeleteWaste of time! Rubbish posting from Zanzibar !
ReplyDeleteThose who complain about the faults of our transport system etc, please open your eyes and look at other countries around us...they are endowed with so much more, yet they are way behind...please try out their public transportation in their capital cities before you complain!
ReplyDeleteEven in bigger or more advanced cities like Tokyo, the peak hour train crowd is so much worst!
No government is perfect, but we have done so much better than our neighbours!
My family name is Lee, n here's telling you that, you have just labelled all Lees' as bastards. What have we Lees' done to you? If you think you CAN do a better job than the Lees', well, go ahead and challenge them outright, instead of hiding behind the com to give your 2 cents worth of rubbish views.
ReplyDeleteEven if he's relatives, as long as he can perform, thats okay. I kinda like the Marina Parade guy more n quite surprised he's not in cabinet.
ReplyDeleteDeeply rooted prejudice can distort your judgement,blunt your senses and stir your logic.
ReplyDeleteOne rotten apple means all the others are rotton or once a thief always a thief.
This is another sad fact of life.
Well to me , there is something else know as "Tripod" or " Sa- Kar". He might just be someone who knows how to suck up to the right people and rub the right shoulder and attend the right funerals.
ReplyDeleteI think the PM can explain the nature of their relationship if any and why such a young person with a relatively lack in experience in the political arena should be in a ministerial position and not going through the grinding mill process instead. The public has the right to know the so many questionable actions that the PM and his Cabinet do and be transparent about them. In this manner he will be able to wipe out all the doubts and problems that have erupted from everywhere. Lets all be more civil rather than to jump to conclusions.
ReplyDeleteWithout Lee family behind Sg, i think u probably dont even know what is internet.. and u wont even hv a chance to use internet at ur comfort home n wrote those nonsense online..
ReplyDeleteIf u so unhappy here in sg, y not go live in jb, or indonesia, how about thailand join in the riots.. or cambodia, or vietnam, how about laos, myamar? india?? i wonder u hv such comfort place to use your fast internet there..
you know what is the SG Truth?? let me tell u, the Truth is we from a one of the Smallest country, a Fishing Kampong, an Unwanted place by Msia, a Poor Country, a Dirty country, to one of the world Most Richest country, Most Respectable country, Most Peaceful country, Most Cleanest country, Most Efficient country, Most Highest Income Nation.. Thats the TRUTH and FACTS. Millions of people would like to swap citizenship with you, and i meant MILLIONS...... SG dont need ungrateful people like u as all you know is COMPLAIN COMPLAIN n COMPLAIN.. i prefer a high salary ministers but clean, than low salary ministers but CORRUPTED..
why pro-PAP like to use third world country to compare? Such a loser mentality!
ReplyDeleteUse the likes of Luxumburg, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Canada.....
PAP performance just cannot match these countries.
"Use the likes of Luxumburg, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Canada..... "
ReplyDeletethese are ang mohs countries with abundance of land,resources, history, good alliances etc.
cannot compare like that lah. we are rojak people,little land and basically nothing in the land except your precious HDBs. so can afford to eat mee siam got juicy hums vedi good alradee
Pure speculation. No hard evidence. Utter rubbish until otherwise proven.
ReplyDeletezero stars to u....ungrateful idiot and uncivilized posting!i wonder why people bother to read such nonsense
ReplyDeleteChan Chun Sing personally clarified this issue on his FB posting, so you all should put the matter to rest now. Here is the copied version of his posting:
ReplyDeleteChan Chun Sing: Sigh... so much for TR's credibility. If you scroll my FB you will see this issue discussed and answered previously. My surname is Chan and my wife's surname is Low. I don't have any close relatives with the surname Lee as far as I know.
Pse ask TR to stop insinuating / insulting my family, esp my mother's hard work all these years. I think she deserves some respect regardless what one thinks of me.
Talking cock, if u hv not travel b4, u also shd hv read newspaper, or if u no money to read newspaper, u shd hv read internet news.. im a frequent traveler to Canada, Australia and some europe country like Germany... u telling me those countries better off than SG??? my foot... y dont u go read up their politic n social news.. or just ask any lady walk on street at 2am at night n see what happen.. do they feel safe? Germany in deep shit employment crisis n whole europe crisis.. u can see them constantly on strike n riots.. Australia youngster hv no manners n u cant even find a proper public phone brisbane, or even melbourne or sydney.. n their airline n telco companies in deepshit.. i not pro PAP, but u simply cant find or not easy to find any other government can run better than PAP.. history is proof.. My gosh.. dun believe u thk Germany, Australia better than SG, go internet n read their politics n news pls...
ReplyDeleteY cant we compare with Msia, Indo n other 3rd world countries? 50 yrs ago they were all much better than us... Today we are the TOP in terms of political stability, economy performance, social development and education system.. any of those Asia countries performs better than SG??? Even if want to compare Europe countries, how many countries in Europe better than SG?? handful too..
ReplyDeleteThanks to Lee's family for all this in fact, we owe all this good life n my children good life to them.. my deepest respect to the family.. n sad to see those ungrateful ppl still commenting bad about Lees.. they ought to be remain at 3rd world countries..
Now I understand the meaning of trolls. And the credibilty of such on line media
ReplyDeletewhat a crap! Zanzibar. Please we are not stupid. Provide the facts. the Truth will free you! Not puke!
ReplyDeleteUse the likes of Luxumburg, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Canada....??
ReplyDeleteapparently u dunno the world and economics...spore is richer than all of these countries COMBINED...enuf said....
So stop posting nonsense here...u can go live in germany (which is in economic crisis), canada - whose economy is going bust and whose ministers want to adopt spore's cpf system.
by all means, please convert yr nationality. idiotic and ungrateful, and most importantly - UNINFORMED and IGNORANT
Dearest Zanzibar,
ReplyDeleteIf you think you are better, go up for election.
If you think you are deprived, F*** off from S'pore. We don't need you.
S'pore will be more beautiful without you around.
To Zanzibar and others like him out there, are you not afraid that the I.S.D will come for you?. They are all ready to be unleashed to put people like you into their dungeons of pain and horror. Refer to the political history of Singapore to the period of the 1960's onwards and you will know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteI am just interested to know who is Zanzibar.... I just pray for you that for whatever reasons that they have hurt your feelings...forgive them for they are doing a job for Singapore and good of Singaporeans. Peace be with you..
ReplyDeleteI have recently learn about your post,it was new for me.But It was quite interesting and informative for me.Well written,keep up guys.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read this post, I can see that it's written by some young chap. Some1 who does know the history... some1 that was blindly brain washed by some other brainless people. Some1 that don't deserve to be a Singaporean. This is because a mature Singaporean adult will not give 'name' to the Mr. Lee Kuan Yew & his son. Although I personally might not like some of policy that Mr Lee implement, he is the man that bring the good life of what we are enjoying today. He may have made 100 wrong decision but I'm sure he had made 100x more contributions. U think it's easy to lead a country with different races, religion & cultures? U think it's easy to achieve a country with low crime rate & low corruption records. It's 40 over years of hard works. So what if Chan Chun Sing is Mr Lee Nephew. As long as he can contribute to Singapore.. who cares. No matter how much you dislike the Lees, please mind your language & be respectful. I think you are the bastard & the way you wrote, you write like the Malaysia journalist. Traitor!
ReplyDeleteget ur dumb facts right is so baseless.. all this.. wanna post den get ur facts right and proof
ReplyDeleteMore info dispelling the rumour here
Zanzibar, I think you are just a sick crook. You just post any nonsense to get attention. You are corrupting the whole blog with all your nonsense. You should be charge.
ReplyDeleteZanzibar, you are so evil! I hate you for writing this! Thumbs up to Teacher Koh Wen Zhu who made a police report against you! You are full of shit! Go to Hell! FOREVER!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis episode showed one thing. That most Singaporeans are still new to internet communications. You can stop one Zanzibar, but you can't stop a hundred Zanzibars, and there are thousands of them in kopitiams all over the islands. Like what PM Lee said, only through regular dialogues, honest humble explanations to these less capable than us, give them helping hands and listening ears will you eventually win back their hearts and trusts. Not by police reports and teeth-for-teeth actions. A already left-behind & downtrodden Zanzibar has nothing to lose anyway, when he decide to blurt out his anger in expletives.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I do not condone smearing people based on speculations only and without irrefutable evidence, at the same time I also do not have good opinion about the credibility of the individual who lodged a police report against this blog.
ReplyDeleteI have found some photos here that can give readers some background into Mr Koh Wen Zhu:
LOL! police report against this blog? why shoot the messenger?
ReplyDeleteAlso, the writer of the expletives was "adam<>", not Zanzibar.
hmmm....looked like the papies not know who slapped them.
ReplyDeletejust like they not know how mas selamat escaped, how it can flood in orchardroad,
how fricker boy painted the mrt coach with cartoons, how they lost in aljunied, who is tin pa ling, etc etc. ha ha ha.
What is the point of arguring which country is better. Just read the book 1984 by George Orwell and notice how many uncanny similarties are there with this island nation. Are you going to live in a world like this for the rest of your life and also for the next generation.
ReplyDeleteRead this...
brainless chap? I dont think so. What we read and hear is propaganda. And what you listen and hear from PAP is also propagonda. Brainwash? ALL OF US ARE BRAINWASH.
Mature singaporeans? Hey if you write such a statement, you are also another non mature Singaporeans. If you are a singaporeas, your duty is not to follow the ideologies of the PAP but rather helping out your fellow citizens. The WELFARE of your citizens. NOt defending PAP.
Does he have any relatives or siblings by the name of Chan Chun Hee.
ReplyDeleteLee Kuan Yew is a great man, his legacy will be forever remembered.
ReplyDeleteStop being an asshole
ReplyDeleteI wish for ISD to check on your personal Profile. MORON!
ReplyDeleteJialat, stand near casket means related to the deceased. LOL!